The dxdt Quantitative Retina Test Grid
Empowering Patients to Assess and Monitor their Retina Health, Anticipate Trends, and Train to use Remaining Vision Capability more Effectively.
Physicians, the dxdt business model for the Quantitative Retina Test Grid provides for purchase of the system by patients through this website or by physicians, in bulk, at a reduced price directly from our fulfillment office. Please contact us for details.
See the Health Heroes segment on the Quantitative Retina Test Grid
dxdt has developed exciting new add-ons for the Quantitative Retina Test Grid. Patients can now identify blind spots against a dynamic background or against a fine detail background. We have also added a binocular vision analyzer. Also, dxdt has developed an eye training tool that will help patients that have identified healthy areas of their retinae (using the QRTG) to train themselves to use those areas more consistently. Contact us if you would like to learn more or if you would like to study or employ these tools on a trial basis.
High Res and Low Res video demos of the QRTG in use are available.
Contact dxdt for the following documentation for the Quantitative Retina Test Grid (QRTG) Documentation:
- QRTG Product Brochure
- QRTG Instruction Sheet
- QRTG Installation README
- QRTG Supplemental Instructions for Physicians
- QRTG Trend Analysis Workbook
- QRTG Off-Macula Visualization Trainer
- QRTG White Paper from Photon Journal
- Dr. Hekimian’s OMICS 2013 Speech on Empowering ophthalmology Patients