dxdt Engineering and Research was founded in 2004 by Dr. Christopher Hekimian of Germantown, MD. The name “dxdt” is intended to represent an incremental advancement in the technological state of the art within an incremental period of time. dxdt has remained true to its name by being a small company with a history of patented concepts and new products. Originally, dxdt products and services addressed a wide range of sectors, including defense, homeland security, home electronics and health.
dxdt Engineering and Research’s newest product is the Farmer Noah system for training the severely vision impaired to make optimal use of the non-visual cues in the environment so they may navigate within new environments safely and with more confidence. The Farmer Noah concept is available in children’s and adult versions (Bandmaster Stevie).

dxdt Engineering and Research, in cooperation with The Joseph Albert Hekimian Legacy Fund, has developed the Cognitive Acuity Tracking System (CATS). The CATS is a research instrument designed to collect quantitative metrics associated with brain health and mental acuity. The targeted market is the substance abuse addiction recovery community so patients in recovery can be encouraged by the improvement of cognitive performance that comes with sobriety.

dxdt developed the first of its kind quantitative retina health test grid which was developed in cooperation with physicians from the National Eye Institute of the U.S. National Institutes of Health. It not only measures retina health, it maintains a history of it that can be used for monitoring of retina health and prognostic and research purposes. This system is still the most multi-functional retina test system suitable for home or distributed research applications.
Another product we developed is a system for providing meaningful broad scope sensory stimulation for neurological patients and individuals under palliative care, suffering from dementia, or at risk of Alzheimer’s. dxdt works with family members to collect and provide digitized photographs, music, voice messages and other forms of personalized media to provide stimulation and entertainment to the ailing. The system has many other features that can be expected to help in the neurological healing process and retard the onset of dementia.
Please read about our products and consider how they might benefit you or someone that you care about.
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dxdt Engineering and Research and dxdt Music Products are both Equal Opportunity Employers.
Christopher Hekimian, Dr. Sc. SE, MSEE, BSEE