Cognitive Acuity Tracking System (CATS)

cognitive acuity tracking system.

Brain health and mental acuity

dxdt Engineering and Research, in cooperation with The Joseph Albert Hekimian Legacy Fund, has developed the Cognitive Acuity Tracking System (CATS). The CATS is a research instrument designed to collect quantitative metrics associated with brain health and mental acuity.

CATS Supports

The CATS can support research and diagnostics associated with:

  •     Substance Abuse Addiction Recovery and Rehabilitati
  •     Recovery from Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
  •     Alzheimer’s Syndrome
  •     Attention Span Deficit

Through tracking the results of simple memory games and cognitive exercises the CATS will collect indicators relevant to:

  •     Short Term Memory
  •     Audio-Visual Pattern Recognition
  •     Analytical Processing, and,
  •     Attention Span
The Main Screen for CATS is very easy to use.

CATS metrics

The metrics associated with the scores of four different games and exercises are automatically tracked over time.  The metrics can be used in the following ways:

  • Test for changes in trends or between groups to test the efficacy of brain health interventions;
  • Investigate trends related to degradation or improvement in cognitive ability;
  • Use the system as a feedback mechanism to reinforce compliance with addiction recovery protocols and sobriety.
The output page is intuitive and provides trends for each game and exercise. Data export is available from this page.

CATS Development

The Joseph Albert Hekimian Legacy Fund’s Cognitive Acuity Tracking System was developed by dxdt Engineering and Research.

Technical questions relating to the CATS should be directed to dxdt Engineering and Research at Also, dxdt Engineering and Research can provide analysis worksheets that can be used to analyze data produced using the CATS.

CATS Downloads

Contact dxdt for further information on the CATS.


 The Joseph Albert Hekimian Legacy Fund

The CATS workstation is compact and simple to use. It does not require network connectivity. Users can focus on the CATS games and exercises for the best quality of data.